Friday, March 25, 2016

Game 1: Gardner

23-24 March at Gardner (3-0)

This first match of the year began one day and ended the next. We traded 42-mile-an-hour wind for 17 and freezing temperatures. I guess we came out ahead. 

This did have all the trappings of a first game.  We were flush with opportunities, but a little off on our shots, our framing, and our runs.  We also need to be way more productive on deadballs.

For the most part, Gardner lacked any real opportunities to score. They did have a deadball from the top of the box, but the shot went right to Allyiah. We also provided them with a corner kick.

For us the match became a lot of us getting acquainted with one another and our tendencies. We start 6 new players with some of our returning starters playing different positions: Hania is playing defensive center midfield, and Marge is playing regular center midfield. So that is like 8 new starters.

BWhite named Marge Pigott as the BWhite Player of the Match as she was our most steady influence at center midfield.  Just watch that first goal to see how she turns away from pressure on the weak-side ball rotation before perfectly finding Mallory's feet.

And what a nice debut for our freshman forward. Hallie found twine twice, and she got the assist on the other goal. She was part of all 3 goals. She got 11 shots off, almost half our shots for the match. We will take that.

Freshman Kyli Jackson also had a nice varsity debut, playing most of the match at left back and centerback. She hit feet, making good decisions with the ball on her foot. Alex Moss did a good job of communicating with her new back line with Colling and Linder playing well back there too. 

Coach Cochran is doing a great job with that Gardner program as they are much improved. Good luck to them this season.


STA: Shots: 25 (11) (Klanke 11, Loughman 4, Pigott 3, M. Heying 2) Corners: 6 (Romme 3, M. Heying 2, Pigott)

1:18 Klanke (tremendous ball rotation starting with Moss to Loughman to Pigott who turns beautifully before finding M. Heying)

37:25 Klanke (Loughman wins 50-50 ball dribbles through before slotting Klanke on the left)

10:31 Romme (Marge finds Klanke down the line allowing her a air cross to the back post that benefits greatly from Sesti's going up in the air to compete with the defender)

Gardner: Shots: 2 (2) Corners: 1

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